Ancient DNA Reveals The Evolutionary Origins of Extinct Glyptodonts
Among the fossils of hitherto unknown mammals that Darwin collected in South America between 1832 and 1833 during the Beagle expedition...

A Mitogenomic Reference for Xenarthran Evolutionary History
Xenarthra (armadillos, sloths, and anteaters) constitutes one of the four major clades of placental mammals. Despite their phylogenetic...

Convergent Gut Microbiome Compositions in Ant-eating Mammals
Mammals have diversified into many dietary niches. Specialized myrmecophagous (ant- and termite-eating) placental mammals represent a...

Bloody Roots: GC-rich Genes Hide the Root of the Placental Tree
Despite the rapid increase of size in phylogenomic datasets, the rooting of the placental mammal tree is still a controversial issue. One...

Phylogenomics Settles the Phylogenetic Position of Turtles
The morphological peculiarities of turtles have, for a long time, impeded their accurate placement in the phylogeny of amniotes. In this...

Ancient Evolutionary Origins Revealed for Fairy Armadillos
Fairy armadillos or pichiciegos (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) are among the most elusive mammals. Due to their subterranean and nocturnal...

MACSE: Multiple Alignment of Coding SEquences Accounting for Frameshifts and Stop Codons
We developed a new approach based on an algorithm implemented in a freely available program called MACSE that allows the direct alignment...

Trivial Evolution : Un Jeu Educatif Scientifique
Développé par l'Ecole de l'ADN et ses partenaires, Trivial Evolution est un jeu éducatif qui combine les caractéristiques des jeux de...

The Complete Genome Sequence of Oikopleura dioica Challenges the Standards of Animal Genome Architec
Genomes of animals as different as sponges and humans show conservation of global architecture. Here we show that multiple genomic...

High Evolutionary Rate Variations in Tunicate Genomes
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic studies have suggested that tunicates are characterized by an elevated rate of molecular evolution...